Applying the learnings gained from almost 30years in Elite and Professional Sport can benefit those in a wide range of situations. From strategic planning to individual & team delivery, being a leader & working with leaders, critical thinking to building a challenging yet winning culture, all you need is the curiosity and willingness to get better.
Across multiple sports from Professional Football (Soccer), Rugby, Cricket and Olympic Athletes
Maximise your resources – financial, time and people – by piggy-backing on years of learning at the coalface of the elite levels of performance sport. Utilise the learnings, minimise your setbacks and fastrack your progress!
Supporting teams and athletes with sports science that adds value and delivers results. Applied work where results matter!
Whether its auditing your people, departments, systems and processes, our performance audit has been applied across a range of organisations
Your understanding of the landscape of performance sport can be accelerated with insider knowledge. Get advice on the best angle of engagement
Contributions to academic courses or online programmes via single presentations or even advice on course content
Got a question on sports science & performance in pro & elite sport! A knowledgable voice that can add a voice with a personality!!
Many years presenting at industry and other conferences on aspects of sports science and a career in professional and elite sport
Experience in live broadcasting on TV and Radio as well as pre-recorded interviews and remote video-conferencing
The most difficult step in any process is the first one – so lets make that easy! Simply click on the button below and send me a quick email to me and lets start the conversation!
A simple conversation to begin the process can guide us on our journey and ensure that we are ready to embark on a succesful collaboration
Whatever your support need we will work together to ensure your solution is right for you and your organisation
Storm At The Start! Getting all appropriate resources and people together at the outset can help with the heavy lifting to get us off the ground faster - and more successfully
In no time at all even the ost simple of changes can have amazingly positive consequences! It doesnt have to be perfect - that can come later - but lets grab some wins early! So, commit!
5 Blackthorn Road, Wymondham, England, NR18 0PY
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